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The Kalum 'Kitsumkalum' River

The river that is producing more giants thAn any other river in the world.


The Kalum River is a very special river. It flows out of Kalum Lake and meanders through a old growth forrest with giant size cedar, sitka spruce trees and beautiful pools, runs, tail outs.
This river doesn’t change much due the ledge rock style bottom. It has a couple canyons that are not passible with jet boats.
The Kalum is world renowed for its giant size chinook! Fish up to 105 pounds have been caught in this river. 50, 60 and 70 pounds chinook are retuning to this river every year. Hooking a giant like this will truly test your gear and angler skills.


Besides the giant chinook, it also has a really strong steelhead run with fish up to 30 pounds. It is one of the few rivers that has steelhead 10 months out of 12 in a year. The coho run is strong with fish into the 20 pounds range are landed on a yearly basis. The peak season for steelhead and coho would be October.

Besides the beauty, it’s the big fish that is drawing anglers to the Kalum on a annual basis. There are just a view rivers in the world that can produce giant size fish, either chinook, coho or steelhead. The Kalum does it year after year.

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